Crate Gatsby Cover.jpg

Crate Gatsby by PreciseMC & KiloGraeme

Releases January 29,2021

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To Stream -
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01. Stroll2cleardahead
02. LoFinesse
03. Chinup
04. LoveOnce
05. Rocklin’ (feat. DJB, Ill Effect)
06. SpringinNewEngland (feat. Rico James, PR Department)
07. Trynacatchawave

From Cali to VT to Boston Massachusettes, PreciseMC and KiloGraeme kick off the New Roaring 20's with a fresh collection of lofi hip-hop jams. Guests on the ride include DJB from Ill Effect and Rico James from PR DepARTment.

All songs produced by KiloGraeme

All lyrics written by PreciseMC.

*Rocklin' written by PreciseMC and DJB

*SpringinNewEngland written by PreciseMC and Rico James

All songs recorded, mixed and mastered by PreciseMC and KiloGraeme

Cover Art by PreciseMC